Sains Malaysiana 53(8)(2024): 1873-1887


Ingestion of Microplastics in the Planktonic Copepod from the Indonesian Throughflow Pathways

(Pengambilan Mikroplastik dalam Kopepod Planktonik dari Laluan Arus Lintas Indonesia)




1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Indonesia, 16424, Depok, Indonesia

2Research Center for Deep Sea, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), 97233, Ambon, Indonesia

3Center for Collaborative Research on Aquatic Ecosystem in Eastern Indonesia, 97233, Ambon, Indonesia

4Research Center for Chemistry, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), 15314, Serpong, Indonesia

5Faculty of Science & Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

6Microplastic Research Interest Group, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

7Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD20742, USA

8Marine-Estuarine and Environmental Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD20742, USA

9First Institute Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao, P.R. China


Received: 7 March 2024/Accepted: 28 June 2024



Zooplankton are vulnerable to microplastics in the waters due to their indiscriminate feeding habits. Zooplankton consumption of microplastics affects microplastic accumulation and transmission in the marine ecosystem. Therefore, it is essential to know the intake and transmission by different group sizes of zooplankton in natural seawater. This study documented for the first time the levels of microplastics found in three sizes of copepods along the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) pathways. The ingestion rates were 0.028, 0.023 and 0.016 n/ind for group sizes copepod 1000-2000 µm, 500-1000 µm and 200-500 µm, respectively. There was no significant distinction in the microplastics concentrations of the three groups of copepod classes along the ITF pathway (p>0.005). Fiber microplastics were the most dominant in the body of copepods, constituting 87.22% of ingested microplastics. In terms of the chemical composition of the microplastic, a total of 7 polymers were detected in copepods in the ITF pathway. The three predominant polymer types identified were polyvinyl butyral (PVB), polyvinyl ether maleic anhydride (PVEMA) and polyester (PES) (27%, 27% and 20%, respectively). This study provides the critical parameters of the microplastic in copepods in the ITF pathway and is an essential basis for further ecological risk assessments of microplastics in biota species.


Keywords: Copepod; Indonesian throughflow; microplastic; zooplankton



Zooplankton terdedah kepada mikroplastik di perairan kerana tabiat pemakanan mereka yang tidak memilih. Pengambilan mikroplastik oleh zooplankton menjejaskan pengumpulan dan pemindahan mikroplastik dalam ekosistem marin. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk mengetahui pengambilan dan pemindahan mengikut saiz kumpulan zooplankton yang berbeza di dalam air laut. Kajian ini pertama kalinya mendokumenkan tahap mikroplastik yang ditemui dalam tiga saiz kopepod di sepanjang laluan Arus Lintas Indonesia (ITF). Kadar pengingesan adalah 0.028, 0.023 dan 0.016 n/ind untuk saiz kumpulan kopepod masing-masing adalah 1000-2000 µm, 500-1000 µm dan 200-500 µm. Tiada perbezaan ketara dalam kepekatan mikroplastik tiga kumpulan kelas kopepod di sepanjang laluan ITF (p>0.005). Mikroplastik gentian adalah yang paling dominan dalam badan kopepod, membentuk 87.22% daripada mikroplastik yang tertelan. Dari segi komposisi kimia mikroplastik, sejumlah 7 polimer telah dikesan dalam kopepod dalam Laluan ITF. Tiga jenis polimer utama yang dikenal pasti ialah polivinil butiral (PVB), polivinil eter malik anhidrida (PVEMA) dan poliester (PES) (masing-masing 27%, 27% dan 20%). Kajian ini menyediakan parameter kritikal mikroplastik dalam kopepod dalam laluan ITF dan merupakan asas penting untuk penilaian risiko ekologi lanjutan mikroplastik dalam spesies biota.


Kata kunci: Arus Lintas Indonesia (ITF); kopepod; mikroplastik; zooplankton



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